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Target Training
May 18, 20241 min read
FLEXIBILITY | PART 4: Active Mobility
Active mobility refers to exercises that increase your range of motion through controlled movements. This type of movement is impactful for
Target Training
May 16, 20241 min read
FLEXIBILITY | PART 3: Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Faciliation (PNF) is a stretching technique that has shown to have a positive impact on improving active and pa
Target Training
May 15, 20242 min read
FLEXIBILITY | PART 2: Nerve Gliding
FLEXIBILITY | PART 2: Nerve Gliding Nerve gliding or nerve flossing is a type of stretching that helps to mobilize the nerves. This type...
Target Training
May 13, 20243 min read
FLEXIBILITY | PART 1: Mobility vs Flexibility, Dynamic and Static Stretching
Active mobility, neurosensory modulation, nerve glides, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (autogenic inhibition and reciprocal inhib
Target Training
Feb 26, 20244 min read
Four Step Warm-Up for Irish Dance
When you imagine an Irish dance warmup, you may picture a half-hearted jog around a dance studio (or competition venue) followed by some...
Target Training
Mar 1, 20172 min read
Secret to Unlocking your Irish Dance Flexibility
It’s the end of dance class and you're mindlessly going through a series of stretches. Bending down into a lunge and holding it for a...
Target Training
Jan 26, 20172 min read
Irish Dance Mobility PART 2
Read Irish Dance Mobility Part 1: Unlock your Movement Potential Many Irish dancers have been told throughout their dance career, “you...
Target Training
Jan 17, 20172 min read
Irish Dance Mobility: Unlock Your Movement Potential
As Irish dancers, we focus so much on flexibility to get our clicks and swings high. While flexibility exercises will lengthen the soft...
Target Training
Sep 17, 20162 min read
Foam Rolling for Irish Dance - PART 2/2
Foam rolling is a form of self-myofasical release (SMR) that frees up your fascia through applied pressure. The goal is to stretch and...
Target Training
Sep 11, 20162 min read
Foam Rolling for Irish Dance - PART 1/2
What is foam rolling? Foam rolling is a form of self-myofasical release (SMR) that frees up your fascia through applied pressure. The...
Target Training
Jul 22, 20162 min read
Stretching for Irish Dancers: Dynamic vs Static Stretching
Flexibility is a critical component to an Irish dancer’s performance. However, In order to maximize your flexibility potentiall, it is...
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